Sonny Nyman is a rap musician based in Helsinki. He has experienced imprisonment firsthand, and, currently serving last six months in an open prison and studying sociology in Helsingin Diakonissalaitos, he sees it is as his duty to prevent young people from committing crimes. He works directly with youth in the streets of east Helsinki and through correction institutions all over Finland, specialising on making music, singing, and encouraging youth from disadvantaged backgrounds to replace criminal activity with creativity. Representing the Gypsy minority, Sonny advocates for acceptance and tolerance in the Finnish society. He works directly with over a hundred yo ung people with such diverse backgrounds as Finnish, Gypsy, Kurdish, Turkish, Russian, Estonia, Romania, Iran, Iraq, Somalia. His music and educational work has been reviewed in the press extensively. He has participated in Arman Finnish Gypsies documentary program, has had Yle, Aamu Tv and Ilta-Sanomat review his work. He is a regular speaker in schools and other institutions. He has released 2 albums, over 20 music videos, over 30 songs. This summer Sonny facilitated a music camp during in Pohjanmaa and a weekend rap workshop and concert in Kuopio.
This is an interview with Sonny by Manu Tuppuranen for Ilta-Sanomat, 5.8.2017