After a long korona break we get to meet with people again. Prison Outside and Free Translation held a #freetranslation workshop in Mikkeli. Persons who have experienced incarceration have generously shared stories and made artistic responses to the free translation works.
The artworks are live on the free translation site
and will be part of an interactive art exhibition at Mikkeli Train Station 23.-29.5.22.
We are very greatuful to our partners:
MIELI Mental Health Finland Mikkeli sudivision
Support service for men in Mikkeli, Finland

Source text: Jyrki Heikkinen - Imagination is a gate and will is a threshold stone. Mielikuvitus on portti ja tahto on kynnyskivi., 2019
Translations made during a Mental Health Art Week 2022 workshop in Mikkeli:

Marianne: “Kaksi vanhaa puuta ja 8+1 taimea” 10.5.22, pastelliliitu

Eveliina – Elämän sävyt ja kerrokset, 10.5.2022

Source text: Gaylen Grandstaff "The Real Mishka" - Without Justice 2, Between July 18, 2017 - March 18, 2019

Anna: “Fenix” 10.5.22, pastelli

Timoфei: “Usko ja toivo rakkaudesta” 10.5.22, pencil, oil pastels, pastel.
Please see the full online gallery at